Graphics and Gifs
Use the gallery below to download some Drive Michigan Forward graphics, or you can head to one of our partner's Giphy accounts to download gifs! You can also look up Drive Michigan Forward gifs on Twitter and Facebook posts, and Drive Michigan Forward stickers on your Instagram Stories.
Click or tap the "download" button on the images below, and a high quality image will pop up in a new window for you to save.If you're posting on twitter, post two of the square images!
General graphics of support:
Week of Action Schedule and explainers!
Thank you so much for joining the #Licenses4LovedOnes Week of Action from February 7th to February 14th! Use this toolkit as a reference for what actions are occurring on each day, what our asks are, and how to post about them - both as an individual, and as an allied organization.
Campaign Overview + Why This Matters
Drive Michigan Forward (DMF) is a coalition made up of immigrants and allies. Our goal is to restore driver’s licenses to all and pave the way for basic dignity and security for members of our community. By restoring driver’s licenses to all Michiganders, regardless of immigration status, we can make Michigan a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and belong.
The Drive SAFE House Bills 4835 and 4836 and Senate Bills 433 and 434 were reintroduced to the Michigan Legislature Tuesday, May 11th. We've been working hard over the summer and this fall we have a fighting chance at getting Drive SAFE bills into a hearing in the House Rules and Competitiveness Committee. Now, we need to up the momentum and encourage key Michigan representatives to support Drive SAFE House Bills before the legislative session ends!
What is the Week of Action and how do I RSVP to events?
As part of the Drive Michigan Forward, we are putting together a seven day Week of Action - our theme is embracing Valentine's day in loving and caring for our community! Our goal is to amplify the campaign and let Rep. Jim Lilly and House Speaker Jason Wentworth know that we want our bill to move forward with a hearing AND a vote!
Here's the week's schedule - RSVP by clicking the embedded links below:
Heading 1
11AM Livestream Launch with We the People Action Fund and ABISA. RSVP here.
8-11AM Postcard Writing Party
10-11AM Zoom Postcard Writing Party
Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice
4-5PM Postcard Writing Party, MIStudentsDream. RSVP here.
6-7PM Monthly Mobilization Meeting, Drive Michigan Forward. RSVP here.
Make a video on why you’re fighting!
7PM Phone Bank
Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice. RSVP here.
Call your representatives!
Evening: Phone Bank, Michigan United. TIME TBA
5-7PM Phone Bank, We the People Action Fund. RSVP here.
Share a video of you calling your reps!
Share a message of love to someone who you’re fighting for!
Tweet at your representatives!
Closing Livestream, Drive Michigan Forward
5:30-7PM Healing Session, Healing By Choice. RSVP here.
Sample captions and posts
Use the captions below to post your graphics! Remember that our goal is to amplify the campaign and let Rep. Jim Lilly (Twitter @RepJimLillyMI) and House Speaker Jason Wentworth (No Twitter, @VoteWentworth on facebook) know that we want our bill to move forward with a hearing AND a vote! Our hashtags are #DriveMIForward #Licenses4LovedOnes, and #DriveSAFE.
How to tag our target representatives on socials - Rep. Lilly is not able to be tagged on Facebook, Rep. Wentworth is not able to be tagged on Twitter!
@VoteWentworth, then just type out "Rep. Lilly."
@RepJimLillyMI, then just type out "Rep. Wentworth."
This Valentine's Day, we're celebrating love & care by fighting to restore driver's licenses for all in MI, regardless of immigration status.💕
Take action with @DriveMIForward to ask @RepJimLillyMI to move #DriveSAFE bills forward w/ a hearing & vote!
.@RepJimLillyMI I believe in MI where all of us can move freely & without fear - that’s why I support @DriveMIForward's #DriveSAFE HB 4835 & 4836. Please give these bills a hearing with a vote & restore driver's licenses for all! #Licenses4LovedOnes
I believe in a MI where all of us can move freely & w/o fear - that’s why I support @DriveMIForward's #DriveSAFE bills.🚗
It’s time for driver’s licenses for all, regardless of immigration status - @RepJimLillyMI let's move these bills forward with a hearing & vote!
I believe in Michigan where every single one of us can move freely & without fear - that’s why I support @DriveMIForward's #DriveSAFE bills.🚗
It’s time for driver’s licenses for all, regardless of immigration status!
Take action:
No matter our race or place, we all value our freedom - the ability to move around on our own terms. In MI, that means we deserve the right to a driver’s license, regardless of documentation.
Join me in fighting for licenses for all w/ @DriveMIForward:
Whether we’re white, Black, or brown, longtime residents or newcomers, we all value our freedom. But freedom requires the ability to move around on your own terms.
In MI, a driving state, it's time for driver's licenses for all. Join me & @DriveMIForward:
Together we can build a MI where everyone has freedom of movement. Where we can not only do essentials like care for loved ones, but also move freely w/o fear & do things that bring us joy. 🥳
It's time to restore drivers licenses for all.
Join us:
Why are we fighting for a bill hearing AND a vote?
Our #DriveSAFE bills will restore driver’s licenses to all Michiganders, regardless of immigration status. Before they can be voted on by every Michigan legislator, our bills need to be approved by a smaller committee. The Rules & Competitiveness Committee Chair Rep. Lilly decides whether we get a bill hearing, which means that we’ll be able to bring in speakers and present our case. Our last hearing was canceled, so we’re fighting for it to be rescheduled as soon as possible. Not all bills get to move forward with hearings, and some get hearings without a vote to decide whether or not the bill moves forward. That’s why we need to ask for a hearing WITH a vote!
What can I do?
1. Visit our Take Action page! to check out the day's action item, make a call, and send an advocacy email!
2. Help us amplify our campaign by using the graphics and captions below to post on your own social media. Don't forget to tag and follow us (@DriveMIForward for Twitter and Instagram, @DriveMichiganForward on Facebook).
3. Create your own media! Post a selfie or a picture of your favorite place in Michigan, caption it with why you support #DriveMIForward, and tag us!